Leuesa Brice
AKA Loisa Stewart Bryce
Event Date Location
Birth 01 October 1819 Penninghame, Wigtown, Scotland
Christening 09 February 1820 Penninghame, Wigtown, Scotland
Census 06 June 1841 Northam Street, St. Marys, Southampton
Married Edward 01 August 1846 Southampton, Hampshire
Census 30 March 1851 Godshill, Isle of Wight, Hampshire
Death Apr-May-Jun 1858 Isle of Wight, Hampshire
Personal Details
More Information:
Leuesa was living with her brother Moses on the 1841 census and her date of birth was registered as 1817 to 1821.  As Louisa was older than her husband, she lied about her age on her marriage certificate and on the 1851 census.